For many, quarantine has brought about feelings of angst, anxiousness, depression, and nostalgia. Although we have been physically isolated from those we love and care about, love is one of the crucial necessities of life. Regardless of how the world looks, we must find ways to spread it to those around us. Here are a few ways!

  • Be understanding:
  • Every person is living in a different scenario. Some are living in a household with constant conflict with those around them (a massive problem within the LGBTQ+ community at the moment.)  Others may be living alone and missing both support and company. Whatever the circumstance, the fact that you aren’t there for them can make it much worse. That is why making sure you are listening to your loved ones can go a long, long way. Attempt to understand their issues, provide much-needed support, and strengthen your bond by proving that you are there for them no matter what. Moreover, don’t wait for them to tell you if they have issues. Ask them. That’s how you will truly learn how to be understanding and support your loved ones.

  • Write a letter:
  • Okay, I know this might sound all fashioned, but there is something unique to writing a letter, just hear me out. Communication is an essential part of daily life, and while texting constantly is fine, it doesn’t always give you the chance to say what you feel, with the strength you feel. That’s why a letter is perfect! First and foremost, a handwritten note shows that you put effort into your thoughts and not only typed a 20-second message and hit send. A letter will also let you write as much as you want and say how you truly feel. Describe your hopes for your future. Say what you love most about them. For one reason or another, writing letters will help you open up your heart.

  • Do the activities you both love: 
  • A huge misconception many have about being in quarantine is that they can’t or shouldn’t do activities together. That is absurd! With facetime, zoom, or any other video chat, you can both do the activities that you love doing together, such as watching a movie, playing games, or just talking. Finding ways to do the things that make everyone happy and help you all forget about the negative things going on in the world. It will also give you the chance to speak and remain close, despite the distance.

  • Surprise them!
  • There is no better demonstration of your love than by using your creative skills to make the people you love happy. If you can draw, play an instrument, sing, write a poem, or make paper planes, then what are you waiting for? Whatever it may be you like making, do it and present it as a gift. Even if you don’t have any special skills, take advantage of quarantine to learn one. It’s meaningful gifts of love like these, which can help everyone go through hard times. As long as it gives them a smile, it will be more than worth it. 

    Quarantine has taken many things from us. Don’t let it take what’s most important: your love for others. Even if you feel down yourself, the love you spread will come back to you. It has a weird way like that. But it is up to us to keep it alive.

    If you want to send a gift with the message of love, we got you!!

    Check out our newest Love Collection at

    David Brothers